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How To Make Home Cleaning Easier

How To Make Home Cleaning Easier

A clean and sparkling home is the best gift you can give yourself and your family. It’s important to clean your home regularly as it reduces allergies by preventing build up of allergens and dust, reduces the prevalence of sickness in the family by keeping germs out and prevents food contamination by bugs and rodents. Also, a clean home ensures that you don’t lose important things, such as car keys, which could be lying beneath the pile of clothes that you’ve removed for a long time. In this article, we will share some tips on how you can make your home cleaning easier.

Setting Up A Home Cleaning System Saves Time

By setting up a unified home cleaning system, you can actually cut your home cleaning efforts by half. This system involves being consistent in the cleaning order, i.e. working on one room at a time and beginning and ending at the same spot every time. This routine will automatically increase your cleaning speed and give you time to do other house chores. paradigm ariana borivali east is well constructed at uniquely designed project.

Clean From Left To Right And Top To Bottom

You should avoid randomly darting from one end of the room to the other, scheduling your cleaning from the left side of the room and go on cleaning till you reach the right end of the room. This way, you will clean everything just once instead of having to clean areas you’ve just cleaned. If you clean the centre table first and then proceed for cleaning the blinds, the dust from the blinds will settle on the table and you will have to clean it again, which will double your effort. We suggest you plan better by starting to clean at the top of the room and then proceed for cleaning the floor. This way, all the dirt from the top will accumulate below and you can clean the same in one go.

Having The Right Cleaning Tools Handy Makes Home Cleaning Easier

When you begin your home cleaning, you must have all the cleaning tools and products on your self, preferable in an apron with large pockets. This way, you will have to interrupt your cleaning every now and then by moving in and out of the room for getting cleaning products and tools which you will randomly need.

Being Proactive Helps In The Cleaning Process

You can ease your home cleaning process by pre-empting some some dirt creating problems before they actually occur. For example, you may spray a cleaning solution on the shower before your bath, for preventing the build-up of grime and dirt on the shower head. You just need to spray the solution on the shower head and just rinse it off. Multiple lifestyle amenities and luxurious lifestyle at paradigm ariana residency borivali

Avoid Grease Build-Up On The Cooking Range And Cabinets

Every time you prepare your favourite delicacies on the cooking range, it leads to build-up of grease on the kitchen cabinets around the range and also on the range itself. If you allow this grease to pile up by not cleaning it regularly, it will be difficult for you to clean it later because the quantity of grease would have increased manifold. For cleaning such tough grease build-up, use a combination of baking soda and water scrub the unclean area with a cloth dipped in the solution.

Got rust? Get a lemon.

Just squeeze half a lemon on the rusted portion of your home appliance or accessory and allow it to soak for 10 minutes. Then gently rinse off the lemon juice and splash clean the surface with water.

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