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5 Secrets to Save Time & Money on House Maintenance Project

5 Secrets to Save Time & Money on House Maintenance Project

To get peace of mind, it is very important that everything in and around your house is in good working condition. Keeping everything in good condition not only saves money but your valuable time too on house maintenance projects. If you won’t spend a little on routine house maintenance, then you will have to spend a lot on large repairs and replacements. Without routine maintenance, house maintenance may cost thousands of dollars.

For example, you should clean suspended ceiling tiles according to the directions of the manufacturer. You can also get help from a professional tile cleaning service. This will be really helpful for the maintenance of ceiling tiles. And you can save money and time you would otherwise spend on ceiling tiles repair.

Everything in your house needs a maintenance schedule. So, you should be familiar with these maintenance needs and costs. You should save at least 1% of your house’s value every year. For example, if the value of your house is $360,000, you should save $3,600 every year, or $360 every month, for your house maintenance.

But if your house is older, you may need to set aside more money for a house maintenance project. Dividing yearly maintenance costs into chunks really helpful. Because getting a large amount at once is very difficult.

We have some secrets that will reduce your house maintenance cost. Moreover, you can also save your time spent on maintenance with these smart strategies.

Do It Yourself

This strategy really saves time and money. You can do simple fixes like redoing a section of paint and snaking the drain by yourself. Instead of hiring a professional if you do these fixes whenever needed, you can save both time and money while doing maintenance projects.

You can watch DIY videos to learn simple fixes. If you will call a professional, it may cost you around $70 to $75 just for the visit.

Spend A Little More on Quality Services

If your house maintenance project needs a professional, hire a qualified professional. Spending a little more amount often saves your time and money in the longer run. Companies that charge more are often more reliable and carry insurance, which makes them a safer choice. And you will potentially save money because you won’t be paying for shoddy work fixes later on. So, research the companies, read reviews, and choose the right one.

Continue Preventive Maintenance

To save time and money on more expensive and bigger repairs, you should continue basic, preventive maintenance. It may cost you a little but will save you from large costs later. For example, the water damage that may be caused due to plumbing issues should be addressed with routine tasks. Moreover, cleaning the gutters, attending to leaks, and sealing cracks on and off save you from larger damage. Other preventive projects may include keeping the house clean, changing smoke alarm batteries, and repainting the house exterior.

Cut Energy Expenses

Taking care of appliances you use like fridge, air conditioner, heaters, dishwasher, and boilers etc. need regular maintenance. You should change the air conditioning filter and should check the condition of other appliances at least once a month. Or you can set a schedule depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation for maintenance. It will save the amount required for a new appliance or repair. Additionally, you will be saving energy expenses too.

Prioritize and Focus on Immediate Needs 

Instead of planning maintenance projects for the whole house, you can prioritize parts of the house that need more attention for repair. Think how important an issue is and does it need to be addressed right there? What will happen if this issue is not addressed? These questions will help you to prioritize the repairs and maintenance tasks. Working on necessary repairs will save your money and time.

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